Parent Teacher Council (PTC)

Parent Teacher Council (PTC)


Join the PTC  – click here

The PTC is organized to provide an open forum for the school community to discuss issues, exchange ideas, and provide solutions to issues affecting the community. Its goal is to maintain LdV’s high-quality Integrated Thematic Instruction Program (ITI) emphasizing arts and sciences.  The PTC engages in fundraising efforts to support programming and events at the school, such as the annual Renaissance Fair and Family Science Night.  The PTC is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that operates under by-laws adopted by the LdV parent community. A copy of the PTC Bylaws is available for review in the school community liaison office.

The PTC executive board is composed of 7 elected officers, a teacher representative, and the school Principal.  There are several PTC committees made up of PTC members.  In addition, each classroom selects one representative and one alternate for the PTC each year.

Membership is open to all individuals through the payment of annual dues. Meetings are open to all members of the school community.

The PTC, through the efforts of the board, membership, and standing committees, organizes events and fundraising activities that promote academic enrichment, special programs, and social activities for the LdV community.